- 6721 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 95
English Speaking Medical Service
Dear Patient,
We recognize the need in Szeged to provide medical care for foreign speakers. We are a private healthcare provider operating in the heart of Szeged.
We, the staff of Frida Med Clinic | Szeged, know that in addition to professional medical services, healing requires good service, and ease of access. We are doing our best to welcome you in a soothing environment where you feel relaxed.
With several specialist clinics, state-of-the-art technology and diagnostic equipment and the best doctors, we await you in our offices to provide you with the perfect care. All this for excellent value for money.
To book an appointment please select the English option at the online registration page or if you need help or advice, Email us at and we will be more than happy to help.
Our Medical Team
Dr Emese Csüllög,
pain therapist, anesthesiologist
Dr Emese Csüllög graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine at the University of Szeged in 2000 and obtained her specialist qualification in anesthesiology and intensive care in 2011. For 10 years she has been working in the field of pain management and diagnosis and the care of patients with chronic pain. In addition to her private practice, she is a physician at the AITI of the SZTE.
Why choose a pain clinic?
Unfortunately, often no adequate solutions are found for patients with pain. We can help with this as our clinic is specialized to pain management and disorders of the nervous system. What makes a private practice or healthcare provider a pain specialist? Because the professionals working there are experienced and skilled in pain management, and the team is made up of specialists (anaesthetists, neurosurgeons, neurologists, physiotherapists) who can diagnose and treat pain conditions.
Dr Márió Vincze
obstetrician-gynecologist (OB-GYN)
Dr. Márió Vincze completed his studies in Szeged. He graduated summa cum laude from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Szeged in 2018, and since then, he has been working at the Szeged Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic. In 2023, he passed his obstetrics and gynecology specialization exam with excellent qualifications.
Dr. Vincze values a holistic approach and a trust-based doctor-patient relationship. He believes that the foundations of health maintenance and healing are broad professional thinking, adequate information, direct and empathetic communication, and proper follow-up of patients. He practices his profession guided by these principles. Another aspect of his clinical work includes education and research. His educational responsibilities involve training Hungarian and foreign students, as well as obstetrics and gynecology residents. His research field is related to the screening of pregnancy-related conditions.
His scope of work includes prenatal care, gynecological screening tests, contraception and counseling, investigation and treatment of menstrual disorders, inflammatory diseases, and pelvic pain, as well as routine gynecological ultrasound examinations.
His areas of special interest are gynecological surgery and oncology, in which he actively participates during his clinical work. He is readily available for the evaluation of cancer screening results and planning further treatment.
Dr Zoltán Horváth
neurologist, epileptologist, neurophysiologist
Dr Zoltán Horváth graduated from the University of Szeged, Faculty of General Medicine in 2003. He is a specialist at the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of the SZTE. He is a clinician with extensive experience in neurological diseases, diagnosis, patient care and pain management. He is an excellent and internationally recognised clinical neurophysiologist. He is regularly involved in brain and spine surgery, where he ensures optimal surgical outcomes and a complication-free recovery through continuous instrument monitoring.
Besides general neurology, neuro-electrophysiology, he is an expert in diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, headaches, migraine, facial pain, multiple sclerosis, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, polyneuropathies. He is an expert epileptologist, experienced in diagnosis and long term follow-up of patient living with epilepsy and seizure disorders.
Dr Bence András Lázár
Dr Bence András Lázár graduated from the University of Szeged, Faculty of General Medicine in 2014, received his qualification in Psychiatry in 2019 and his Ph.D. in Theoretical Neurosciences. Since graduating, he has been working at the Department of Psychiatry, SZTE, currently as an assistant professor. He has extensive experience in general psychiatric disorders, their advanced diagnosis and treatment. He is a regular participant of national and international congresses, lectures in psychiatry medicine in English and Hungarian, and is the head of the Clinical Medicine Department of the University of Szeged in the field of clinical investigation of psychiatric disorders. Besides his medical practice Bence is a renowned poet winning several awards in the past years.
Consultation and therapeutic advice on psychiatric disorders. Extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders associated with various internal medicine and neurology disorders, anxiety disorders and mental retardation. In the Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic, he carries out diagnosis and prescription of medication. He provides care for patients in English and French.
Dr Ádám Varga
Dr Ádám Varga graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine of Semmelweis University, Budapest in 2011 and in 2018 he passed his specialist examination in neurosurgery. In the same year he also passed the highly prestigious European Neurosurgery Examination (EANS exam) with excellent results, first among Hungarian neurosurgeons. Since his graduation he has been working at the Department of Neurosurgery, SZTE. In 2010, as a medical student, he was part of the research group led by Professor Banczerowski, investigating new surgical procedures for cervical spine tumors, which won 1st prize at the Scientific Student Conference. He has participated in numerous national and international congresses and training courses, including a course in robotic surgery. He regularly lectures medical students in Hungarian and English and is a thesis supervisor.
Consultation and therapeutic advice on general and functional neurosurgical pathologies. He deals with neurosurgical diseases of the spine and brain. Experienced in new minimally invasive spinal surgery techniques, pioneered the use of spinal navigation procedures in Hungary. He is experienced in surgical and radiosurgical treatment of brain tumours.
Dr Dávid Kis
Dr Dávid Kis graduated from the University of Szeged, Faculty of General Medicine in 2008 and qualified in neurosurgery in 2014. Since his graduation he has been working at the Department of Neurosurgery at the SZTE. He has visited Japan several times for work experience and spent a longer period of time in Sydney, Australia, where he learned minimally invasive brain surgery procedures from one of the leading experts in the field, Prof. Dr. Charles Teo. He is a renowned neuromodulation specialist and pioneer of several new procedures in Hungary.
Consultation and therapeutic advice on general and functional neurosurgical pathologies. He performs deep brain stimulation (DBS), spinal cord and peripheral nerve stimulation (SCS, PNS), intrathecal pump (ITB) implantation and device programming.
Dr Edina Tímea Varga
neurologist, neurophysiologist
Edina graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine at the Szent-Györgyi Albert University of Medicine (now University of Szeged) in 2002. In 2008, she obtained a specialization in neurology, and in 2012, she obtained a specialization in clinical neurophysiology in Denmark, the latter having been naturalized in Hungary.
Dr Varga received her PhD in 2009 from the University of Szeged, Hungary, based on scientific work in Hungary and Germany. She gained her experience abroad during 8 months at the Georg-August University in Germany and nearly 3 years at the Danish Epilepsy Centre and Glostrup Hospital. From 2002 to 2009 she worked at the Neurological Clinic of the University of Szeged, where she was involved in the education of medical and physiotherapy students and medical trainees. For seven years she worked part-time as an ambulance officer (paramedic) and as an emergency physician. In January 2014, he returned to the Szeged clinic, where he is currently working as an associate professor.
Diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases (nerve conduction studies/electroneurography-ENG, brain electrical activity studies/electroencephalography-EEG, muscle needle studies/electromyography-EMG) and treatment of muscle diseases and chronic migraine by cosmetological methods.
Dr Zsolt Szerényi
Dr Zsolt Szerényi graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Szeged in 2015. During his university years he also graduated as an English Medical and Health Sciences Linguistic Communicator. After graduating in medicine, he worked as a resident and then as a specialist candidate at the Traumatology Clinic of the SZTE between 2015-2019. In addition to inpatient and outpatient care, he teaches orthopedics in Hungarian and English to medical and physiotherapy students. He is a regular participant in national and international congresses and pays special attention to his continuous professional development.
Professional consultation and therapeutic advice on general orthopedic disorders. In his specialist practice, he deals with the diagnosis, treatment and recommendation of surgical interventions for diseases of the musculoskeletal system (bones, muscles, joints). His aim is to relieve patients’ pain, improve their mobility and restore the functions they need for their daily activities. He places great emphasis on conservative treatment methods, physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
Henriett Falucskai
Henriett Falucskai graduated from the University of Debrecen in 2001 with a degree in psychology, and in the same year she qualified as an autogenic training therapist. In 2005 she qualified as an adult clinical and mental health psychologist. She is continuously learning new skills and is currently undergoing EMDR training. In addition to her private practice in psychology, she has previously gained experience as a sub-divisional psychologist and psychological counsellor at the Police. As a psychology expert for Nők Lapja (Hungary’s premier Women’s Magazine) she has written several articles.
In her practice she is specialised in the treatment of anxiety disorders, including panic disorder and phobias. She deals with relationship problems, trauma processing, crisis management, symbol therapy, autogenic training and meditation.
Anikó Manga
physical therapist
Anikó Manga graduated from the Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Education of the University of Szeged with a degree in physiotherapy in 2020. Healthcare became a profession for her in the secondary school, where she studies nursing. She recognized the profound role of physiotherapy and physiotherapist in the treatment and wellbeing of patients. During her work, she gained experience in both musculoskeletal and neurological rehabilitation, including supporting pregnancy. She considers it important to continue her education and to keep abreast of new developments in the profession. She is working closely with doctors to plan the treatment together and follow-up patients from a medical as well as from a rehabilitation perspective.
- musculoskeletal complaints
- therapy of intractable pain
- preparation for surgery and post-operative rehabilitation
- treatment of injuries/sports injuries
- treatment of back and lower back pain
- preventive movement therapy
- physical preparation for pregnancy and child-birth